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This workshop will help career service professionals understand and utilize AI tools to enhance their services, ensuring they remain competitive and effective in the evolving job market landscape.

Workshop Outline (Subject to change, as Generative AI is changing faster than LinkedIn)

Understanding Generative AI (AI)

    • Introduction to generative AI, its capabilities, and its applications in various industries.
    • The good and evil of AI in today’s world.
    • Some pitfalls when using AI.

The Current Landscape of AI in Career Services

    • Recent trends and AI tools emerging in the career services sector.

AI-Driven Resume and Cover Letter Tools

    • Overview of AI tools that help draft, format, and optimize resumes and cover letters.
    • Live demo on how to use AI tools to create powerful resumes.
    • Examples of before and after resume transformations using AI.
    • Interactive session discussing the benefits and potential pitfalls of relying on AI for resume creation/improvement.
    • You will receive a list of tested AI prompts to excite you about using AI.

AI Enhancements in Coaching Services

    • Mock Interview Services Powered by AI. Use AI to:
      • generate mock interview questions to drive engagement.
      • conduct and analyze mock interviews.
      •  interpret AI feedback to improve interview performance.
    • How generative AI can create personalized coaching prompts that yield better results.
      • AI prompts your coaching clients to gain deeper insights into career paths.

Navigating LinkedIn’s AI Tools to Drive Better Results

    • What tools are available, and which ones work?
    • How will LinkedIn’s AI impact recruiting the best candidates in LinkedIn Talent Solutions?

Future Trends and Ethical Considerations

    • Creating custom AI solutions for clients.
    • Whether and how to develop proprietary AI tools (like a custom GPT) for enhancing client services.
    • Technical and ethical considerations in developing custom AI models.

AI’s Impact on the Hiring Process

    • Future of AI in recruiting and its implications for job seekers and hiring managers.
    • How AI might change job descriptions, candidate screening, and interview processes.

Top Workshop Takeaways

1.        Significantly boost your comfort level using AI.
2.        A list of 40+ tested AI prompts you can implement now.
3.        A plan to improve your creativity, productivity, and quality of your writing and coaching.
4.       Being current on industry trends; AI won’t take our clients, but smart people using AI will.


He changed his career and showed that “it is possible to make a career change.” He left a 25-year career in business development, human resources, operations, and sales leadership to start Career Thinker Inc. He was inspired by years of seeing thousands of poorly written resumes, interviewing thousands of candidates who were unprepared, and hiring more than 1,500 employees. He aims to help people with career services, coaching, technology, inspiration, and confidence to encourage them to take action and improve their careers. Currently, he has 6 writers/coaches and 4 national recruiters on his team.

Tom has built an industry reputation as a leader in educating and mentoring clients and colleagues on best practices, infusing technology, and improving processes that boost results. Since 2011, he has presented more than 300 career workshops/seminars/webinars. He is a LinkedIn power user and currently is the NCOPE (Nationally Certified Online Profile Expert) instructor, teaching people how to unleash the power of LinkedIn. Tom predicts that paper resumes will be obsolete by 2028, but everyone’s online profiles and content will be king in connecting to career opportunities.

Tom holds important career industry credentials:

NCOPE (Nationally Certified Online Profile Expert) Instructor

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Certified Employment Interview Professional (CEIP)

Certified Career Management Coach (CCMC)

Certified Disc Communication Consultant (CDCC)

Certified Social Branding Analyst (CSBA)

The National Résumé Writers' Association
 8120 Lehigh Ave
Morton Grove, IL 60053

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